Wong, Janet S. 1999. Behind the wheel: poems about driving. New York: M.K. McElderry Books. ISBN 9780689825316
Wong uses driving as a metaphor for life in her collection of 35 free verse poems that teenage drivers and those soon to be drivers will find themselves relating to. Wong shows her humorous side in “Short Sighted” which discusses the plight of a height challenged driver’s education student. “They’ve never had someone so short/ in driver’s ed,/ so they didn’t know what to do/when my foot didn’t touch/ the pedals./ Stuck a thin block/on the brake/so my legs could reach./ If only they could stretch me enough/ so I can see/ where I’m going-/” Wong’s more serious side is shown in such selections as “Send Me a Signal” and “Stuff” where subtle messages of care and concern are sent to young drivers from parents or anyone with an interest in their life.
Poem Title
“Need to Read”
need to read
to pass the test
those signs unto my brain
steep grade
read the handbook
read it again
read it again
sleep on it
dream those signs
the license is mine
Introduction or Follow-up Activity
To introduce Wong’s book, “Behind the Wheel; Poems about Driving”, a discussion with students about their thoughts on their pending driving test would reveal their feelings. Are they confident? How did they prepare? Are they scared and filled with anxiety? After discussing their feelings, have a student read “Need to Read”. Ask if any of them feel the same way. Next, have another student read the selection “Insurance” to see if they are hearing these same words from their parents, “You need insurance/You need insurance/You need insurance…/” Find out what other things they have on their minds are they prepare for this milestone in their lives. Is there a poem that matches those feelings? If so, have a student share it with the group.
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